
 Welcome to INWA, helping you help yourself to wellness and success in all parts of your life!

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Psysomatic Kinesiology Class Forming Soon

If you are looking for success, you have come to the right place. INWA, LLC offers years of success and experience in all forms of hypnosis and wellness services and modalities. We are excellent at what we do because we use the right combination of modalities to help you achieve the goals that you have. Many hypnotists claim that they only do hypnosis because they feel that is all they need to do. When you only have a hammer in your toolbox, then everything looks like a nail. Our question to you: ‘How can this provide a personalized, right solution to your issue(s)?’ Hypnosis is a wonderful modality, WE ARE HYPNOTISTS, but your success is our number one goal. Hypnosis can and does resolve issues, and does a great job doing so. However, sometimes a goal can be reached quicker by combining modalities. Our years of service and experience have proven this over and over.  If you are ready for success, give us a call!

Click here to book a session!

Being Human

As we grow up and start to reason, we learn to fear. Whether real or imagined, it is our perception of how things happen around us and to us that cause us to react and think in certain ways. Additionally, it is human nature to take the path of least resistance. Most of us fall into one or both of these categories. When working on an issue, one or both of these responses are our roadblock(s). We may not recognize it in ourselves, but one or the other is there. ‘Fear’, which can be also labeled as ‘lack’, can be the lowest common denominator for guilt, depression, anxiety, hopelessness, and many other emotional states.

We are made of energy. This energy has vibration and frequency. Our thoughts and intentions have mass and also vibrate at certain frequencies. This is stored in our physical shell and affect the whole being – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Fear is a vibration that intertwines with our unique and individual frequency. When you break down the thoughts that cause us to vibrate in a way that we do not want to their simplest form, you will be able to quickly understand and eradicate the issue. Using the 4 Minds / 4 Bodies model from Octoenergetics© with appropriate wellness modalities, these stored, undesired vibrations and frequencies are released and a congruent vibratory state is achieved.

Here at Integrative Natural Wellness Associates, L.L.C., this is what we help you accomplish. Whether the issue is physical, mental, emotional or spiritual, when you get to the core of the thought vibration and change it, everything else will change. Let us show you how to create the change you want.

Psysomatic Kinesiology and NLP Training!!! Check the Training area for details!


What Psychologists do not want you to know. Hypnosis is more effective more often and requires many fewer sessions! Click here.

Interesting article about health care. Click here.

© 2019 Integrative Natural Wellness Associates, L.L.C.